Identifying Parts of Speech on iOS using Natural Language framework
In this tutorial, we will walk you through an example of how to identify parts of speech on iOS using Apple’s Natural Language Processing framework (also referred to as NLP). With a WrappingButtonView, some UIButtons and the Natural Language Framework we were able to create a simple and highly addictive game to test a user’s knowledge of the different parts of speech (Wiki). This could be a game for 4th or 5th graders… or just for anyone wanting a refresher on language constructs. The name of the game? Grammanizer.
In this tutorial, we will walk you through an example of how to identify parts of speech on iOS using Apple’s Natural Language Processing framework (also referred to as NLP).
Pretty good. With this we wrapped it in a simple UI containing an array of buttons and some instructions. And of course a winning 🍔!
The tagger performs well with basic sentences so we tried a sentence with more subtleties; “close” acting as a noun, verb, and adjective:
Close (ugghh)! We expect the second “close” to be a noun. But, still, pretty dang close.
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